HUNTER – A1040613
Safe 6-27-2015 Manhattan
HUNTER – A1040613 MALE, GRAY / WHITE, STAFFORDSHIRE MIX, 1 yr OWNER SUR – EVALUATE, NO HOLD Reason ALLERGIES Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 06/18/2015, From NY 10467, DueOut Date 06/18/2015, Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN Medical Summary Eyes were clear= No discharge Ears were clean Teeth=mild tarter Nose=No discharge Unaltered male Scan negative for microchip […]
HUNTER – A1040613
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 06/18/2015, From NY 10467, DueOut Date 06/18/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Eyes were clear= No discharge Ears were clean Teeth=mild tarter Nose=No discharge Unaltered male Scan negative for microchip As of now no V/SC/D NOSF
Weight 46.6
A volunteer writes: It must have been so hard for Hunter’s family to give him up when the elderly grandmother with allergies moved into the home. He sounds amazing, and my experience with him confirms it. He’s compact in a shiny, lush coat, the perfect weight for his size. We’re told that he’s housetrained (check), crate trained, loves baths, is playful with adults, children and other dogs, knows ‘sit’, ‘down’ and ‘stay’, loves to play with his favorite Frisbee, and play fetch and tug, and when off leash runs away and wants you to chase him and will come right back when called. Playful and friendly with everyone, even intake staff said he was easy peasy, gave kisses to all, and loved having his belly rubbed. Hunter and I strolled through the park and it was clear he was looking for his people. Off leash in the back yard he explored the pen, came when I called him, leaned in for petting and jumped up on the bench to cuddle beside me. Gentle, calm, affectionate, well behaved and a joy to be with, Hunter wags his tail and gives me a smile all through his confusion at being in a new place without his people. When I took my leash off the hook he happily wagged his tail harder as seeing a leash must mean ‘we’re going out’. Sadly for now it means we are going back in, but I promised Hunter that when he sees a leash in the hands of his new family he’ll be starting his happily ever after ….. Let’s make that happen for this wonderful dog.
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