MARINA – A1032890
Safe 4-22-2015 Brooklyn Rescue: Pulled by Eskies Online Please honor your pledges: Please honor your pledges:
MARINA – A1032890 ***SAFER – EXPERIENCED HOME – NO CHILDREN*** SPAYED FEMALE, TAN / WHITE, CHIHUAHUA SH MIX, 5 yrs OWNER SUR – EVALUATE, NO HOLD Reason MOVE2PRIVA Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 04/11/2015, From NY 11372, DueOut Date 04/11/2015, I came in with Group/Litter #K15-009753 Medical Behavior Evaluation No Initial Behavior Medical Summary No […]
MARINA – A1032890
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 04/11/2015, From NY 11372, DueOut Date 04/11/2015, I came in with Group/Litter #K15-009753
Medical Behavior Evaluation No Initial Behavior
Medical Summary No Initial Exam
Scanned negative , QARH – timid, avoids handling, Spayed, ~5yrs, EENM clear, NOSF, Activyl applied
Dog Surrender Sheet-
NAME: Marina
REASON FOR SURRENDER:Client is surrendering dogs, A1032890, 891 & 892, due to a residential move to a residence that does not have enough space for the three dogs.
RELATIONSHIP: Client has owned Marina for 5 yrs. Marina was bred at home & has no known health issues.
PEOPLE: Marina has lived with 2 adults. She has been exposed to children. Client stated Marina needs time to warm to people. She may become aggressive and protect her owner. Although she has not bitten or scratched anyone, Marina has shown signs that she is capable of biting if someone did not approach her slowly. Client does not recommend Marina goes to a home with small children.
OTHER ANIMALS: Marina has lived with three other dogs & has taken the role as a leader. Marina will at times pick at her siblings by growling and barking at them. Marina has displayed aggressive behavior when she has seen a cat. She will lunge, growl & bark.
PERSONALITY/HABITS: Marina is wee-wee pad & does not have accidents. Marina is kept mostly indoors & has a high activity level. Client state Marina has a hard time socializing with people and animals that come near her owner or her territory. Marina becomes aggressive & will, lunge, bark & growl at strangers. Marina enjoys going to the park for exercise. She will play with balls and run around with her owner. Marina enjoys eating dry food X a day. She is best described as a talkative, playful and affectionate dog towards her owner.
BEHAVIOR DURING INTAKE: Marina displayed aggressive behavior upon meeting counselor. Marina did not allow any handling, she would growl, bark & lunge.
Marina previously lived with 2 adults, and has been exposed to children. According to the owner Marina was said to be weary of strangers and needs time to warm up to them. She was also reported to be very protective of her owner and the owner stated she will lunge, bark and growl when approaching her owner or territory. Marina lived with 3 other dogs which she was tolerant of, but at time she has been reported to bark and growl at them. It was also noted that Marina does not do well with cats. Marina was said to be wee-wee pad trained, and has not had any accidents in the home.
At intake Marina was reported to be intolerant of handling, and was not receptive to introductions from the Counselor. During SAFER Marina was extremely fearful and needed a very slow approach. She was fearful during the handling items, and became stiff and uncomfortable during the paw handling. Marina was unresponsive to the assessor during the tag interaction, and did not show any interest in any of the resource items. Due to the fearful behaviors seen during SAFER as well as the information provided by the previous owner, the department feels Marina would be best suited for an experienced adopter with no children.
Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her body posture is stiff and fearful; her tail is low and not moving. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands.
Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, her tail is between her legs, body stiff, and mouth closed, lip long, ears back, and trembles.
Tag: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Dog does not approach the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is crouching, and trembling
Squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back.
Squeeze 2: 3. Dog closes mouth, becomes stiff.
Food: Inconclusive, dog is not eating.
Toy: 1. No interest.
Rawhide: 1. No interest.
Dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Marina is not tolerant when greeted and will lip curl when greeted.
GROUP BEHAVIOR: When off leash with other dogs, Marina is not tolerant when greeted and will lip curl when greeted.
4/16/15 Update: Marina continues to not want to be greeted by new dogs, she appears to be very social with a handler.
4/18 Update: Marina is becoming increasingly more uncomortable with both dogs and handlers.
GEMS – A1032892 – (No photo)
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