LADY – A1035917
Safe 5-15-2015 Brooklyn Rescue: Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue Please honor your pledges:!donate/ctzx
SAFE 05/15/15
LADY – A1035917
Intake condition GERIATRIC Intake Date 05/11/2015, From NY 11373, DueOut Date 05/11/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary scan negative spayed female – shaved and saw small spay scar weight: 37.8lbs clean ears slightly yellow stain seen on teeth slightly cloudy eyes she has a black spot on her tongue slightly long nails present – unable to cut nails at this time due to her stressing herself out. She started panting and alligator rolling she was a little nervous during her exam but showed no signs of aggression BARH NOSF
Weight 37.8
overweight female
markedly injected schlera bilaterally. Purulent ocular d/c
several small mgts felt in both chain
ears good for her breed
MGT benign vs malignant
conjunctivitis, severe
tab for eyes.
STT warranted if eyes dont improve
outlook for MGT depends on biopsy but many dogs are cured by surgery
fair prognosis
Basic information
Lady is a 9 year old female cocker Spaniel with no know medical history. Owner has had lady for 9 years and is surrendering because of housing situations.
Lady has lived with children ages 2 to 5 and is very relaxed and plays gently with them. Around strangers Lady is usually tolerant and relaxed. Lady plays gently with people and dogs outside but had not lived with other dogs. Behavior towards cats in not known.
During storms and fireworks Lady will get nervous and hide. When outside Lady will try to go into garbage. Owner stated lady is a very relaxed dog and isn’t bothered when people touch her food, bones, toys or give her bathes and brush her. Lady also doesn’t react to anyone coming to the home or when pushed off furniture.
For the new family to know
Lady is described as affectionate, friendly and playful but anxious when left alone. When left alone lady will bark, destroy house hold items and when left for too long will go to the bathroom in the house. When home Lady will follow you around. Lady knows the commands sit, and come. For exercise lady enjoys slow walks on the leash. When off leash will wander but come when called. Lady likes to play will balls, stuffed toys, squeaky toys and likes to play fetch. Lady sleeps on a matt in one of the bedrooms. Lady eats pedigree that’s left for her all day.
Behavior during intake
Lady was timid and backed away from counselor at first but after a few minutes of sitting with her she allowed to be scanned.
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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