BERNARD – A1058800
Safe 11-30-2015 Brooklyn Rescue: Second Chance Rescue Please honor your pledges:
SAFE 11/30/15
Brooklyn Center
My name is BERNARD. My Animal ID # is A1058800.
I am a neutered male black and brown germ shepherd mix. The shelter thinks I am about 4 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 11/23/2015 from NY 11434, owner surrender reason stated was PET HEALTH.
11/24/2015 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 85.6 LBS.
ACO reported bloody diarrhea and whining on defection. Hx of antibiotic treatment and pain management w/ r DVM S/O: BAR, difficult to restrain. Rectal exam revealed thickened and friable skin around anus, ulcerated draining tracts. Prostate palpated normally. A: PERIANAL FISTULAS P: Metronidazole, tramadol, rimadyl Perianal fistuals are thought to have an autoimmune component, espcially in German Shepherds, leading to chronic inflammation in the perianal skin. Medical management typically involves antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs, Surgical methods are also possible, but recurrence is common. Recommend placement w/ NH partner since immunosuppressive drugs are not ideal in a shelter setting. Prognosis: Guarded for long-term resolution, Fair if various medical or surgical management methods are utilized.
11/23/15 20:21 Basic Information: Bernard is a four year old neutered German Shepherd. He was surrendered due to health issues, he was with his owner since he was a year old and was brought from an online German Shepherd breeder. He is described as playful, friendly and confident. Personality: Bernard has lived with two adults, he has not been around children, other dogs or cats. Bernard is partially housetrained, he will have accidents indoors daily. He has been kept only indoors and has a high activity level. Behavior: Bernard is often hard to control due to his size. He barks often, owner stated he will bark at strangers and when a stranger approaches he will also bark. When his food is touched Bernard will snarl and bare his teeth, his body arched and tense. Bernard was professionally groomed owner did not bath or brush. When held he will struggle and attempt to flee. For a new family to know: Bernard is used to long leashed walks about 3-4 times a day. He enjoys balls and squeaky toys. He will use pee pads when in the home. When home he tends to follow his owner around the home. When left alone he will bark and whine. During storms or fireworks Bernard will hide or retreat. He eats wet food and Beneful twice day. He loves any treat and will sleep in any bed. Upon intake Bernard was energetic and had a loose body, he allowed all handling. He was able to be collared, scanned and photographed.
No Web Memo
Bernard came to us as an owner surrender on 11/23/15. According to the owner Bernard has not never interacted with children, and lived with 2 adults. The owner stated that Bernard will bark at strangers and when his food is touched he will snarl and bare his teeth, his body arched and tense. Bernard can be seen in his kennel with fearful and tense body language at the back of the kennel. He retreats several times to the back of the kennel when attempting to remove him from it. As soon as Bernard comes out of the kennel he becomes very frightened and begins to try to bite the leash and tries to bite the assessor. Due to this behavior Bernard was placed back into his kennel for safety reasons and a SAFER was not conducted.
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
Scanned negative BARH – tail tucked, tense, allows handling N~ 4 years Ears, eyes, nose, mouth/teeth clear Coat clean NOSF
ACO reported bloody diarrhea and whining on defection. Hx of antibiotic treatment and pain management w/ r DVM S/O: BAR, difficult to restrain. Rectal exam revealed thickened and friable skin around anus, ulcerated draining tracts. Prostate palpated normally. A: PERIANAL FISTULAS P: Metronidazole, tramadol, rimadyl Perianal fistuals are thought to have an autoimmune component, espcially in German Shepherds, leading to chronic inflammation in the perianal skin. Medical management typically involves antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs, Surgical methods are also possible, but recurrence is common. Recommend placement w/ NH partner since immunosuppressive drugs are not ideal in a shelter setting. Prognosis: Guarded for long-term resolution, Fair if various medical or surgical management methods are utilized.
A staff member writes:
Bernard Came to the Care Center as an owner surrender. The previous owner described him as playful and his favorite toys are balls and squeaky toys. Bernard does have perianal fistulas that are causing him some pain and would need additional medical support once placed with a rescue. Given Bernard’s medical situation he did allow handling during his medical exam. Please consider BERNARD!
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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