SILVER – A1031754
Safe 4-23-2015 Brooklyn Rescue: Pulled by Balanced Buddies ResQ Please honor your pledge:!donate/cx5t Please honor your pledges:
SAFE – 04/23/15
** AVERAGE RATED ** Simply put, Silver is a Diva. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and she knows how to get it. What does she want, you ask? Her requests are not too high maintenance: attention, toys, and treats. In no particular order. She gets these things by being the most adorable, voluptuous lady, with an award-winning smile and ears that don’t seem to know quite which direction they are going. Oh and sometimes she barks at you to let you know she’s not getting exactly what she asked for. Silver pulls sometimes on the leash-a diva stops for no one- but she seems housetrained. She gets a little excited when she sees other dogs, but once she calms down a bit she is all tail wags and seems to enjoy being in their presence. Most of all Diva, I mean Silver, loves toys! She shakes them with the ferocity of a lion, all the while smiling as she does it. And Silver aced her behavior evaluation-no Diva leaves any stone unturned! Silver is waiting at the Brooklyn Care Center for you to take her home and spoil her like the prima donna that she is!
My name is SILVER. My Animal ID # is A1031754.
I am a female gray and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 3 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 03/30/2015 from NY 11212, owner surrender reason stated was LLORDPRIVA. I came in with Group/Litter #K15-008491.
04/12/2015 Exam Type VACCINATE – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 64.0 LBS.
DA2PP R forelimb CIV L hind limb
03/30/15 16:23 NAME: Silver REASON FOR SURRENDER The owner is loosing housing and wants to stress it is not due to the behavior of Silver. The owner states she is a pleasure to have and is devested about having to surrender her and her bro Bo(A1031753). RELATIONSHIP Silver is roughly 3 years old and has been with his owner since she was a puppy. PEOPLE Silver lived with 2 adults and 2 children and is so friendly and trusting of them and she likes to greet everyone. She loves attention from people of all ages according to the owner. OTHER ANIMALS Silver lived with her brother Bo and one outside cat. She had limited interaction with the cat, but he loves her canine brother Bo. PERSONALITY/HABITS Silver is very friendly and affectionate inside dog with a very high activity level. She allows her family to take his food bowl while eating as well as while he is using a toy or bone. She will bark at Bo if he coems over to her while she is eating. She enjoys getting a bath and having lots and lots of cuddle time. She tends to follow her family members around the home. She plays with all doggie toys, but squeaky and stuffed ones are his favorite. When left alone Silver is well behaved. TRAINING According to the owner Silver knows sit, come, and stay. She rarely has potty accident in the home. MEDICAL There are no known medical issues at this time. BEHAVIOR DURING INTAKE She was loose and wiggly and all over the place. She had a tail wag for anyone that greeted her and her brother during intake. She was very attention seeking and allowed the counselor to handle her. Silver allowed the counselor to collar, scan, and photograph her with ease. When she was separated from her brother for a minute she whined and cried and tried to get to him. Once they were reunited she stated play wrestling with him.
04/09/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Simply put, Silver is a Diva. She knows what she wants, when she wants it, and she knows how to get it. What does she want, you ask? Her requests are not too high maintenance: attention, toys, and treats. In no particular order. She gets these things by being the most adorable, voluptuous lady, with an award-winning smile and ears that don’t seem to know quite which direction they are going. Oh and sometimes she barks at you to let you know she’s not getting exactly what she asked for. Silver pulls sometimes on the leash-a diva stops for no one- but she seems housetrained. She gets a little excited when she sees other dogs, but once she calms down a bit she is all tail wags and seems to enjoy being in their presence. Most of all Diva, I mean Silver, loves toys! She shakes them with the ferocity of a lion, all the while smiling as she does it. And Silver aced her behavior evaluation-no Diva leaves any stone unturned! Silver is waiting at the Brooklyn Care Center for you to take her home and spoil her like the prima donna that she is!
Silver previously lived with 2 adults and 2 children, and was reported to be friendly and attention seeking of people all ages. Silver also coexisted well with another dog as well as one outside cat that she had limited interaction with stated the owner. The owner mentioned that she isn’t bothered when someone touches her food bowl while eating, but she will bark at the other dog she was housed with if he comes over to her while she is eating. It was also mentioned that he is well behaved when left home alone, and rarely has potty accidents. At intake Silver was reported to have loose/friendly body language when interacting with the Admissions Counselor, and she allowed all handling. During SAFER Silver was a bit shy when interacting with the assessor, but she remained close and allowed all handling without issue. When engaging in play during the tag item, Silver was very vocal(barking), but her body was loose and gave several play bows. She was not interested in the food item or rawhide items, and was easy to handle when engaged with the toy item. Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. Her body posture is a bit tense and fearful; her tail is low and not moving. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, her tail is down, body a bit tense, mouth closed, lip long, ears back, lip licks. Tag: 1. Dog assumes play position and indicates play with huffing, soft ‘popping’ of the body, etc. Dog is vocal but playful. Squeeze 1 & 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. Her eyes are averted and her ears are back. Food: Inconclusive, dog is not eating. Toy: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. She does not place her body between you and the toy. Rawhide: 1. No interest. Dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Silver will greet another dog with a loose and wiggly body, tail wagging. She does not appear interested in play and will wander the yard occasionally greeting the other dog.
When off leash with other dogs, Silver will greet another dog with a loose and wiggly body, tail wagging. She does not appear interested in play and will wander the yard occasionally greeting the other dog. 4/2 Update Silver is eager to play and will offer play bows. She tires quickly and lays down, when the other dog attempts to play she will offer corrections. 4/3, 4/4 Update Silver continues to be eager to play and does well with both males and females 4/5 Update Silver is not interested in engaging in play but is tolerant and respectful with other dogs. 4/6 Update Silver engages in a bit of play with a social female. 4/7 Update Silver engages in play with a social female. She is vocal when she sees dogs outside the yard. 4/8 Update Silver engages in rough and rowdy play with a female.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
Scanned positive #985170000214352 QARH – tail wags, responsive to voice Intact Female EENT clear Scrape on lower abdomen near LHL Bald spot/healing scar lower portion RHL Visible scratching/crewing between toes on RFL – intake reports owner states dog licks at both front feet. Pet Armor applied Query: Animal mother to A1031753?
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
S/O: On AM rounds, noted patient to have a soft cough and mild serous nasal discharge, bilaterally. BAR otherwise, attention seeking and very energetic. A: 1. Kennel Cough Prognosis: Good P: 1. Move to iso 2. Start course of Doxycycline – 300 mg PO SID x 10 days. 3. recheck on day 8 and 10
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CAME IN WITH: BO – A1031753
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