SHADOW – A0852945 (Alt ID A1035307)
Safe 2-3-2016 Staten Island Rescue: Heaven Can Wait Rescue - NY Please honor your pledges: via PayPal to: [email protected]
SAFE 02/03/16
Staten Island Center
My name is SHADOW. My Animal ID # is A0852945.
I am a neutered male tan pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 8 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a RETURN on 01/27/2016 from NY 10309, owner surrender reason stated was ATT ANIMAL.
01/29/2016 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is AVERAGE, Weight 104.0 LBS.
S: BAR overweight neutered male dog with R. cheek wound O: Approximately 6.5 cm x 4-5 cm partially haired, erythematous and abraded area on R. cheek. A: R/O superficial dermatitis, vs. deep pyoderma vs chronic non-healing wound. P: Shadwo is sedated with 0.81 cc Dexdomitor IV. Anesthesia maintained by mask using 3L O2 flow and 2% Isoflurane. The affected R cheek area is clipped/debrided, cleaned with CHX, and lavaged with warmed 0.9% NaCl; surrounding hair is rinsed with warm water. Entire R.cheek area is gently dried. SSD applied to R. cheek wound. Rimadyl 4 cc SC administered at time of wound treatment (vs. as an earlier PO tx). Shadow’s sedation is reversed with 0.81 cc Antisedan IM: he recovers quickly and without event. CWCT.
01/27/16 12:05 Basic Information: Shadow is a is an 8yr old neutered male Pit Bull mix that has no health issues that the owner was aware of. Social Life & Personality: Shadow comes from a home with children and plays with them in a gentle, playful manner. He has never been around cats so his behavior is unknown. Shadow has a very high prey drive for anything small, (small dogs, squirrels, birds, etc) so due to this behavior, the previous owners seem to think Shadow will not do well with cats or small dogs. He has been around dogs his own size however, and got along with them just fine. He has never bitten another person before, but has bitten an animal (not in the last ten days). Previous owners stated that there was one incident where Shadow was off leash, got out of the yard, and attacked and killed a small dog. The previous owner was not there to witness the event however, but the owner of the other dog told police that Shadow came up to her dog while she was walking it and attacked it, leaving significant damage causing death. Behavior: Shadow sometimes urinates in the house. This is usually when the owner cannot take him outside for walks. During storms or fireworks, he is not bothered. When his food bowl, rawhide, or toy is taken away from him, Shadow is not bothered but will not let go of the toy. When given a bath, Shadow does not mind and tends to enjoy it. He will sit still and allow handling. He is not bothered when his coat is brushed, his nails are trimmed, or he is restrained. When someone unfamiliar approaches a family member or the house, Shadow will bark but is very friendly to strangers. He is not bothered when he is disturbed while he is sleeping as well. For a New Family to Know: Shadow is described as friendly, affectionate, confident, independent and playful. He is described as having a medium activity level. His previous owners said he is very sweet and very smart. When in the home, Shadow will follow you around the house seeking attention. He loves chew bones and stuffed toys. Previous owners stated that Shadow would do best in a home with a lot of energy or ones with kids and no small pets. He was kept mostly indoors and was fed Pedigree dry food. When left in the home alone, Shadow is well-behaved. He was never crate trained. He knows commands such as sit, come, down and stay.
05/09/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: A beautiful big boy with a coat the color of warm caramel, Shadow doesn’t seem to fit his name at all and he’s definitely not one to stand back and let life pass him by, no sirree! He’s built like a compact tank and has the strength to match but after some initial pulling he soon calms down and we trot along at a good clip as he sniffs the breeze and eagerly wags his tail for every potential friend we pass. Shadow greets fellow dogs very nicely, seems to be house trained and always comes when called and though he’s not one to seek out snuggles, my petting is still much appreciated. Fetch just isn’t his game so we stick to chasing each other around the pen until we’re both grinning from ear-to-ear and one of us (I think you can guess which one!) is thoroughly out of breath. Shadow does sometimes get a bit jumpy in his excitement but he always listens when I say ‘stop’ and will wait politely on command before nibbling the tasty roast beef he loves from my hand. If you’re looking to share your life with a ruggedly handsome, outdoorsy sort of dog then you’ve just hit the jackpot. Come on in to our Manhattan Care Center and look for the boy with the sunniest smile – Shadow will be waiting for you! Another volunteer writes: As big a bruiser as Shadow is, there is a softness and vulnerability to his face that makes me want to hug him tight and promise him life will get better. Quiet in his kennel, he’s energetic and playful once outside, happy to run free in a pen and join me on the bench for hugs and kisses. He leaps up like a young dog (don’t tell him he’s referred to as a ‘senior’), and gives me kisses, sitting next to me with one paw in my lap. He’s well fed (think round), wears a gorgeous orange coat, and has a fun sweet energy. Wearing his “age” callouses with dignity, nothing detracts from his good looks and sweet expression. He actually reminds me of a plush toy I had as a child. Shadow aced his behavior assessment indicating he’ll be a good fit in just about any home. If you’re looking for a mature but playful, affectionate companion don’t miss the chance to meet Shadow. Love him!
Shadow lived previously with children and is reported to be gentle and playful with them. His previous owner describes him as friendly, affectionate, confident, independent, playful, sweet, and very smart, and with a medium activity level. No food or resource guarding behavior in the home was reported, and he has no reported bite history with people. Shadow does, however, have a bite history with other dogs. He is reported to exhibit prey drive and during an incident several months ago he ran out of his yard and attacked a small-breed dog who was walking on leash. The injuries sustained by the small dog were severe and the dog succumbed to the injuries. With other large dogs, Shadow has no reported or observed conflicts. Based upon the extreme behavior of killing another dog, we feel it is in Shadow’s best interest to be placed only with a New Hope partner who has the resources to address and safely manage this behavior. Shadow should not be placed in a home with or where he may be exposed to small dogs, cats, or other small pets. 7/29/15 SAFER: Look: 1. Dog holds gaze with soft eyes, soft body, tail wag. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Dog holds gaze for three full seconds. Sensitivity: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft, soft and loose body, open mouth, tail wag. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft. Squeeze 1/2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. His eyes are averted and his ears are relaxed. Food: 2. Dog follows the dish with his tail down, lifts head after a bit of pressure from hand to cheek. Toy: 1. No interest. Rawhide: 2. Dog takes rawhide away, keeps a firm hold. His body is neutral. No growling or stiffness.
When off leash with other dogs Shadow is sexually motivated. He is slow to take correction and very focused on mounting. 5/14 update: Shadow greets politely but does not engage in play with a solicitous female. 5/21 update: Shadow is playful and bouncy and may engage in some rough play with an appropriate female. 5/27 update: Shadow is social and engages in running play with a solicitous female. 5/28 update: Shadow is mouthy and sexually motivated but will engage in running play when solicited. 5/31 update: Shadow is sexually motivated but will take correction well. 6/3 update: Shadow greets politely but is more interested in exploring the yard. 6/4 update: Shadow is tolerant and may engage in play briefly but is sexually motivated. 6/5 update: Shadow is initially a bit stiff but will loosen up and engage in rough play with a male. 6/7 update: Shadow is social and sexually motivated. He takes correction well. 6/8 update: Shadow continues to be social and will engage in brief bouts of play with both males and females. 6/9 update: Shadow continutes to engage in small amounts of play if solicited. Greets appropriately and is tolerant. 6/12 Update: Shadow continues to be playful when solicited. Was corrected by a dog who wasn’t interested in playing but responded appropriately and was able to continue play after. 6/13 Update: Shadow remains very tolerant and social. Wanders, greets politely. 6/14 Update: Shadow remains social and tolerant, greets nicely and seeks human interaction. 6/15 update: Shadow is social, greets the other dog politely, is tolerant of solicitation but does not engage in play. 6/17 update: Shadow is tolerant of other dogs. He will allow greeting and solicitation but does not engage in play. 6/18 update: Shadow will greet and is interested but does not engage in play. 6/21 update: Shadow engages in brief bouts of play when solicited. He will often roll onto his back when solicited. He may attempt to mount but responds well to correction. 6/23 Update Shadow is dog defensive when interacting with another dog who escalates and resorts to using his mouth during the interaction. 6/24 update: Shadow is tolerant of other dogs and sexually motivated. 7/2 update: Shadow is sexually motivated but will engage in brief bouts of play when solicited. 7/3 update: Shadow is tolerant, greets other dogs politely and takes correction well.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was AVERAGE
Behavior: very friendly, allowed handling Microchip: scan positive 985121006287816 Sex: neutered male Age: approximately 8 years old Mentation: BARH Eyes: slightly cloudy; clear Ears: a little dirty Teeth: mild tartar BCS: 4/5, overweight Has pressure sores on forelimbs Has an old wound on right side of face caused by being bitten by another dog on 7/16/15 that has not healed well. Area appeared crusted with scabbing and yellow discharge. Attempted to shave area, but seemed painful. Cleaned with nolvasan. Medication: as per dr. 0844, give 200mg Rimadyl SID x 3 days, clean wound with nolvasan BID x 3 days, VC scheduled for tomorrow
Medical rating 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating AVERAGE
S: BAR overweight neutered male dog with R. cheek wound O: Approximately 6.5 cm x 4-5 cm partially haired, erythematous and abraded area on R. cheek. A: R/O superficial dermatitis, vs. deep pyoderma vs chronic non-healing wound. P: Shadwo is sedated with 0.81 cc Dexdomitor IV. Anesthesia maintained by mask using 3L O2 flow and 2% Isoflurane. The affected R cheek area is clipped/debrided, cleaned with CHX, and lavaged with warmed 0.9% NaCl; surrounding hair is rinsed with warm water. Entire R.cheek area is gently dried. SSD applied to R. cheek wound. Rimadyl 4 cc SC administered at time of wound treatment (vs. as an earlier PO tx). Shadow’s sedation is reversed with 0.81 cc Antisedan IM: he recovers quickly and without event. CWCT.
Generated on Feb 2 2016 6:00PM
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