PEBBLES – A1035945
Safe 5-14-2015 Brooklyn
SAFE 05/14/15
PEBBLES – A1035945
Intake condition GERIATRIC Intake Date 05/11/2015, From NY 11210, DueOut Date 05/11/2015, I came in with Group/Litter #K15-013347.
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary scan negative spayed female – green tattoo present weight: 19.4lbs nails long – cut nails possible dental disease – rotten teeth seen slightly cloudy eyes ears clean clean coat – flea negative showed no signs of aggression during exam – allowed all handling came in with house mate A1035944 QARH NOSF
Weight 19.4
heart and lungs wnl
no mgt felt
est 8 years old
advanced dental disease
ears clean
dental disease
recc dental cleaning
good prognosis
Basic Information:
Pebbles is a 8 year old altered Cocker Spaniel. She was adopted from a shelter 6 years ago and is being surrender the owner has come across a ard time and has to move in with a family member tht does not want to house her dogs any longer. Pebbles would see the vet regularly and has no known injurie or health problems. The owner says that her favorite thing about Pebbles is how playful she is and her personality.
Social Life and Personality:
Pebbles has lived with an infant and been around young children. She is relaxed and tolerant od childrem. She is gentle during play with the children as well. She has lived with another dog that she is very attahed to but around other dogs Pebbles may snap if they approach her in a hyper manner. She is gentle with the dogs she plays with. Pebbles has not been around cats. Pebbles is house trained but has random accidents indoors. She has a medium activity level and the owner describes her as playful, pushy, excitable, affectioante, shy, fearful, anxious, mellow, aloof, and friendly.
Pebbles has never bitten a person or another animal. She is not bothered if someone touchse her food bowl, takes away bones, rawhides, or treats. She is not bothered being bathed, having her nails, trimmed, being brushed, woken up , or when people approach her home or family.
For a New Family to Know:
The owner stated that the shelter she adopted Pebbles from told her that Pebbles was abused and can be fearful of many things. The owner stated that when someone takes thier belt off Pebbles may hide. The ownLer also said that over the last 6 years Pebbles has gotten a lot better but still is fearful and trembles at times.
For excerise, Pebbles is let out to play in a fenced in yard 3 times a day. She doesn’t play with toys or any dog games like fetch or tug. She has been crate trained and only does well if Blue (the dog she lives with is with her). The longest she has been in the carrier is 3 hours. When the owner is home she follows her around. She is well behaved when in the home or when left in the yard. The owner says that she believes Pebbles would run away if off leash. She is not bothered by loud noises such as thunder.
Intake Behavior:
Pebbles panted throughout the intake. She retreated when approached but warmed up after some time. She allowed handling but remained tense and panting throughout the intake. She did not show aggressive behaviors.
CAME IN WITH: BLUE – A1035944 –
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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