LUCKY – A1052200
Safe 9-28-2015 Brooklyn
SAFE 09/28/15
Brooklyn Center
My name is LUCKY. My Animal ID # is A1052200.
I am a male black newfoundland mix. The shelter thinks I am about 8 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 09/21/2015 from NY 11203, owner surrender reason stated was PERS PROB.
09/23/2015 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 5 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 57.2 LBS.
S/O: Calm and easily handled, patient is reported to be straining to defecate Appearance: QAR, appropriately hydrated Integument: Appropriate hair coat, normal nails EENT: OU clear, AU clean, No nasal d/c Oral cavity: MM pink, CRT <2sec, moderated dental disease PLN: WNL H/L: No murmur or arrhythmias, Lungs clear ABD: Soft non painful, no palpable abnormalities U/G: male intact, unable to palpate prostate due to patient size M/S: Amb x 4, walks slightly hunched in the hind end as if posturing to defecate BCS: 6/9 Neuro: NSF Rectal: unable to palpate prostate due to patient size, anal opening is thickened and irregular and very painful on palpation, majority of thickenind is is the area of the anal glands, there is no obvious abscess or prulent discharge, anal glands unable to be expressed due to thickend tissue and extreme pain on manipulation A: thickened and irregular anal gland- r/o anal gland adenocarcinoma vs. less likely abscess vs. other dental disease P: Recommend NH placement for further treatment including surgical removal and chemotherapy. Due to majority of the anal sphincter being affected, high likelyhood of fecal incontience with surgical resection, if anal gland adenocarcinoma there is a high chance that there has already been metastatic spread. EHR is no placement
09/21/15 11:28 Lucky is an 8 year old male newfoundland mix dog who is being surrendered because the family wants him to have a better home. Lucky has been with the family for almost 8 years. Lucky lived with 2 adults and no other animals. He is receptive and tolerant of small children. Lucky has lived in the yard and will alert the family when visitors come home. If visitors approach him in the yard owners report he is receptive and will make introductions. Lucky has not been housebroken because he has mostly lived out doors. Lucky has not met other dogs on walks because he does not leave the yard but owners report he is interested when dogs passing by and may jump and the fence and bark. Lucky does not like bathing and may attempt to flee but enjoys playing in the rain. He has not had his nail trimmed in a long time but is reported to be cooperative for this. Lucky does guard his food toys or treats. Lucky likes to play fetch with balls and playing with soccer balls and will play with humans for this. Lucky knows the command, sit, give paw and come here. When the family is home he likes to play his owners and will howl to ask for this. When the family is away he is well behaved. Lucky prefers dry food. Upon intake Lucky was receptive to introduction. Lucky was quiet and loose for all handling. Counselor was able to scan for microchip (negative) collar and photograph. Lucky allowed all handling and walked well on leash. Lucky is responsive to guidance.
No Web Memo
Lucky previously lived with 2 adults. The owner stated Lucky is receptive and tolerant of small children. It was reported by the owner Lucky does guard his food, toys or treats. The owner mentioned Lucky is well behaved when home alone. At intake it was reported Lucky was quiet and loose for all handling. During SAFER Lucky came into the assessment room calm and quiet, he was a bit social towards the assessor, allowed all handling items to be conducted without issue. Lucky was relaxed during the tag interaction, and during the resources portion of the assessment Lucky was easy to handle when engaged with the items. Lucky did not show any resource behavior during the safer, but due to some concerns stated from the previous owner that Lucky does guards his food, toys and treats in the household, the behavior department feels its best he can go home with an experience adopter with no children. Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. His body posture is tense and fearful, his tail is low and not moving. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, his tail is between his legs, body tense, mouth closed. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. His eyes are averted and his ears are relaxed. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog does not respond at all for three seconds. His eyes are averted and his ears are relaxed. Food: 1. No interest. Toy 1: No interest. Rawhide: 1. No interest.
When off leash with other dogs Lucky greets well and is interested when play is solicited but does not engage.
Medical rating was 3 NC – MAJOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Scan negative M; 8 YO; 57.2 LB Calm and relaxed during exam Geriatric BARH NOSF
S/O: Calm and easily handled, patient is reported to be straining to defecate Appearance: QAR, appropriately hydrated Integument: Appropriate hair coat, normal nails EENT: OU clear, AU clean, No nasal d/c Oral cavity: MM pink, CRT <2sec, moderated dental disease PLN: WNL H/L: No murmur or arrhythmias, Lungs clear ABD: Soft non painful, no palpable abnormalities U/G: male intact, unable to palpate prostate due to patient size M/S: Amb x 4, walks slightly hunched in the hind end as if posturing to defecate BCS: 6/9 Neuro: NSF Rectal: unable to palpate prostate due to patient size, anal opening is thickened and irregular and very painful on palpation, majority of thickenind is is the area of the anal glands, there is no obvious abscess or prulent discharge, anal glands unable to be expressed due to thickend tissue and extreme pain on manipulation A: thickened and irregular anal gland- r/o anal gland adenocarcinoma vs. less likely abscess vs. other dental disease P: Recommend NH placement for further treatment including surgical removal and chemotherapy. Due to majority of the anal sphincter being affected, high likelyhood of fecal incontience with surgical resection, if anal gland adenocarcinoma there is a high chance that there has already been metastatic spread. EHR is no placement
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