KYNG – A1056845
Safe 11-14-2015 Manhattan
SAFE 11/14/15
Manhattan Center
My name is KYNG. My Animal ID # is A1056845.
I am a male gray and white am pit bull ter. The shelter thinks I am about 11 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 11/03/2015 from NY 10453, owner surrender reason stated was HOME SIZE.
11/09/2015 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is NONE, Weight 60.0 LBS.
11/09/15 11:05 coughing noted on rounds rx doxy 300mg sid x 10d 11/5 Microchip: negative Sex: intact male Age: reported 11m Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: minimal staining If abnormal BCS: Skin: marks on muzzle from banging on crate or door, pyoderma in inguinal region Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: friendly, sweet, big but gentle Medication: N/A, preventatives given
11/03/15 19:21 Kyng A1056845 is being surrendered because the owner lives in a room and shares an apartment with other tenants. He received Kyng from the previous owner who was unable to keep him for the same reason. His roomates are upset that he brought home such a big dog and they are all afraid of Kyng. The owner says that Kyng is very friendly with adults and children. He was told that Kyng is 11 months old.He is very friendly with strangers and loves to play. He was being fed Eukanuba and states that he is not bothered when taking his food bowl away or being around his food. He does not snap or growl. Behavior during intake Kyng was vey well behaved during intake. He sat quietly with his owner and allowed to be approached. He took a treat but spit it back out. I collared him and scanned him(-) and he sat for photos. He licked my hand and greeted the staff. He has a loose wiggly body, open mouth and wagging tail.
11/07/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Young, energetic, gorgeous, and playful, Kyng is looking for his forever person or family with whom to go on long walks, maybe jogging, and indulge in lots of snuggles. His smiling face and wagging tail is a promise of a good time and Kyng doesn’t disappoint! He peed for so long once outside I was worried he would topple over, so is very likely housetrained! Kyng pulls hard on the leash so will benefit from a harness and/or some leash training, but his smiles and happy go lucky good natured personality forgive him for everything! Surrendered as his person’s roommates weren’t thrilled with a doggie roommate, we’re told that Kyng is friendly to everyone and loves to play. Off leash in a pen he’s energetic and fun, jumping with all fours off the ground in play. Quite the athlete our Kyng! He doesn’t jump towards me, just simply straight up. Impressive! A good game of fetch is next on the agenda with side visits to greet other dogs in adjoining pens. In group play he engages with others when solicited. Kyng is active, sweet, playful and fun, looking for an active family with whom to share his forever. Don’t miss the chance to meet him when you visit.
Kyng came to us as an owner surrender on 11/03/15. It was reported by the owner that Kyng is very friendly with children and strangers, and he loves to play. When walking on the leash Kyng pulls very strongly on the leash and a potential adopter may want to get a harness for him when beginning to walk him. He allowed the assessor to conduct all tactile assessment items without displaying any signs of aggression. After the tag interaction Kyng tried to mouth the leash, and jumped on the assessor strongly but only took a few seconds to calm down. He seemed to be uncomfortable during the second attempt of the paw squeeze and quickly turned towards the assessor’s hand while dropping his body. Kyng showed some concerning behavior during the toy test – stiffening and growling, but did not snap at or bite the assess-a-hand. The behavior department believes that Kyng can go to an experienced home with no children. Look: 1. Dog’s eyes are averted. His ears are back, his tail is down, and he has a relaxed body posture. Dog allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is closed for a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 2. Follows at end of leash quickly attempts to mouth the leash, and jumps on assessor strongly. Squeeze 1: 2. Dog quickly pulls back his paw. Squeeze 2: 3. Dog head flips while pulling back paw, and drops body low. Toy 1: 4. Dog freezes and growls.
When off leash with other dogs Kyng is sexually motivated. He will engage briefly in rough play when solicited by the helper dog. 11/7 update: Kyng greets a male and mounts him but once correction is offered he engages in vocal running play.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Microchip: negative Sex: intact male Age: reported 11m Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: minimal staining If abnormal BCS: Skin: marks on muzzle from banging on crate or door, pyoderma in inguinal region Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: friendly, sweet, big but gentle Medication: N/A, preventatives given
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS ,
11/09/15 11:05 coughing noted on rounds rx doxy 300mg sid x 10d 11/5 Microchip: negative Sex: intact male Age: reported 11m Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: minimal staining If abnormal BCS: Skin: marks on muzzle from banging on crate or door, pyoderma in inguinal region Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: friendly, sweet, big but gentle Medication: N/A, preventatives given
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:http://
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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View all entries in: Safe Dogs 2015-11