KIKO – A1055257
Safe 10-26-2015 Staten Island Rescue: Red Hook Dog Rescue Please honor your pledges:
KIKO – A1055257 ***SAFER: EXPERIENCED HOME – NO SMALL CHILDREN*** NEUTERED MALE, BLACK / WHITE, PIT BULL / LABRADOR RETR, 2 yrs, 6 mos OWNER SUR – EVALUATE, HOLD RELEASED Reason LLORDPRIVA Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 10/18/2015, From NY 10310, DueOut Date 10/18/2015, Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE Medical Summary Scan negative Neutered;~ 2 years old Tense […]
KIKO – A1055257
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 10/18/2015, From NY 10310, DueOut Date 10/18/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation BLUE
Medical Summary Scan negative Neutered;~ 2 years old Tense and nervous; may growl Clear eyes, nose and ears Clean coat AMBx4 BARH NOSF
Weight 66.2
A staff member writes: Kiko was surrendered because his owner is moving to an apartment and unable to take the dog. Kiko is noted to get along well with dogs of all sizes and children and housebroken! Kiko has been in home with a family and he really misses a family playing ball with him. We are doing our best here to give him attention and would love to get him into a foster home ASAP.
Basic Information: Kiko is 2yr old neutered male Pit Bull Mix that has no past or current medical issues the owner is aware of.
Social Life & Personality: Kiko comes from a home with children and he interacted with them in a gentle playful manner. He has been around dogs (large & small) and he gets along with them fine according to the owner. The owner isn’t sure how Kiko would respond in the presence of a cat due to never having one around for Kiko to interact with. Kiko is an indoor only dog that is house broken. Kiko is described to be friendly, playful, and affectionate with a medium activity level.
Behavior Issues: Kiko has never bitten a person or another animal according to the owner. Kiko doesn’t have any guarding issues when it comes to food, treats, and toys. These items can be given and taken away with no issues. Kiko takes well to receiving baths and having his coat brushed. When it comes to having his nails trimmed Kiko appears to be afraid and will struggle when it comes to having this grooming agent done
For a New Family to Know: Kiko knows quite a few commands like sit, down, give paw, come, stay, and speak. Kiko went for daily walks on a leash and there were times he was let out into the yard for daily exercise. Kiko enjoys all sorts of dog toys and will play with just about anything according to the owner. When in the home Kiko is the type to follow you around seeking attention. When left alone in the home Kiko is well behaved and this applies to him being left in the yard as well. Kiko was brought up eating both wet/dry food and the brand the owner gave was the “Family Dollar Brand”.
Behavior During Intake: Upon arrival Kiko’s body was slightly stiff and he remained close to the owner. He was very alert and appeared to be nervous to the slightest movement/sound. After a while he slowly showed signs of being comfortable by sniffing my hand and then allowing me to pet him. As I leashed him to take him away from the owner he quickly dropped his hind area and ducked the leash several times. Once he was on the leash he was more responsive to me as the handler and gave me no issues while transporting him to his kennel.
SAFER – Experienced home (no very young children)
Kiko came to our center as an owner surrender citing landlord issues. It is reported Kiko came from a home with children and interacted with them in a gentle playful manner. Owner also reports Kiko has been around dogs of various sizes and gets along with them fine. Behavior around cats is unknown. Owner describes Kiko as housebroken, friendly, playful, and affectionate. Owner reports Kiko knows several commands, “sit, down, give paw, come, stay, and speak”. Kiko was uncomfortable during intake, slightly stiff and remaining close to owner, jumpy with sudden sounds or movements, but once warmed up to counselor allowed all handling and was easy to place in kennel. Kiko allowed his head to be cupped in assessor’s hands, tail down, body neutral. He stood still and accepted the touch, tail down, ears back, body relaxed. Kiko did not engage in Tag game, not following at the end of leash, but unresponsive to touch. He was difficult to position for Squeeze item, but once positioned did not pull his paw back on both attempts. Kiko lifted his head and ceased eating when assess-a-hand approached the Food bowl. He had no interest in Toy. Kiko briefly engaged with Rawhide, but quickly lost interest and relinquished it easily. Kiko needs significant time to warm up and feel comfortable, therefore a slow approach and slow introduction would be recommended. He may benefit from initially having a calm, quiet, structured environment so he can relax and open up. Once comfortable, Kiko is very loose, wiggly, social, and interactive. The Behavior Team feels he would do best with an Experienced adopter that does not have very young children, older children should have an in-depth interaction before considering adoption.
Look: 1. Eyes averted, tail down, ears back, allows head to be cupped
Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, tail down, mouth open
Tag: 2. Dog does not follow at end of leash, but is unresponsive to the Assessor at each pass
Squeeze 1/2: 1. No response
Food: 1 Lifts head/ceases eating
Toy: 1 No interest
Rawhide: 1 Minimal interest, briefly engages, quickly loses interest and relinquishes
dog-dog: When off leash with other dogs, Kiko was a bit stiff but was polite when greeted by a female dog. He bares teeth at times but does not escalate, he appears uninterested in interacting with any dogs and will often stay close to human handlers.
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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