GRUMPY – A1060915
Safe 12-23-2015 Manhattan
GRUMPY – A1060915 MALE, WHITE / BROWN, ENG BULLDOG MIX, 5 yrs OWNER SUR – AVAILABLE, NO HOLD Reason ALLERGIES Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 12/18/2015, From OUT OF NYC, DueOut Date 12/18/2015, Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN Medical Summary Pyoderma vs allergic reation Dermatitis vs alopecia — all over the body in various areas Paws […]
GRUMPY – A1060915
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 12/18/2015, From OUT OF NYC, DueOut Date 12/18/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Pyoderma vs allergic reation Dermatitis vs alopecia — all over the body in various areas Paws appear to be swollen Skinny — eyes are irritated and red Microchip: Negative Sex: Intact male Age 5 years Mentation: BARH Eyes: red and irritated Ears: Otitis AU Nose: Clear / heavy breathing Teeth: Moderate tartar and staining If abnormal BCS: 2.5 Skin: Alopecia vs dermatitis —- ADR Hair Coat: Fleas negative Declawed: No Any injuries: None present (physically) Behavior: Very social and calm Medication: None present — vet check NOSF
Weight 49.6
A volunteer writes:
Grumpy is a mystery dog left with us by his owner…..without a comment. I guess that person might have been in a rush to avoid a parking ticket…..Sad.. And Grumpy is such a NICE dog…He loves to sleep but he always lends an ear to the volunteer who wants to take him out. Indeed, Grumpy is ready when you are..A one to one in a pen, a stroll around the block..Anything will do… He has a great personality and i vote for his name to be changed to Sunshine…Grumpy walks well on the leash and does his business as soon as we are out of the building. He seems fine meeting other dogs on the way or through the fence in the yard. He comes right away when called and can sit on command. He is absolutely crazy about treats and will even search my good is bag…He is really funny to look at, waiting..impatiently for more roast beef. Grumpy is still young at 5years of age. His care has not been the best although his weight is quite good. His coat needs mending and his lovely wrinkles are in dear need of TLC. Grumpy aced his behavioral evaluation here at the Manhattan care center and is ready to move in with you as your forever and beloved best friend….
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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