GRIZZLY – A1033803
Safe 4-30-2015 Manhattan Rescue: Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue Please honor your pledges:!donate/ctzx
SAFE – 04/30/15
Manhattan Center
My name is GRIZZLY. My Animal ID # is A1033803.
I am a male chocolate and white labrador retr and am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 04/20/2015 from NY 10459, owner surrender reason stated was ALLERGIES.
04/28/2015 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is EXPERIENCE, Weight 44.2 LBS.
s: quiet, did not greet at door when dvm walked by, not normal for this friendly dog o: when roused to door, nasal discharge present didn’t finish dinner a: kennel cough p: treat with injectable medicaiton, not eating well
04/20/15 18:32 Basic Information: Grizzly is a male lab/pit mix who is 1 years old. Owner has had Grizzly since he was 3 months old and recieved him as a gift. Owner surrendered Grizzly due to their child having allergic reactions. Grizzly has a burn on his back from jumping into a tub of hot running water. Socialization: Grizzly is friendly, playful and hyper around strangers and children. He has seen other dogs but has not had any type of interactions with them. Behavior: Grizzly has been walked three times a day and will relieve himself during this time. He has a certain area of the house that he will use to relieve himself as well. Grizzly has never herd fireworks so the owner does not know how he will react to them; Grizzly is not bothered by rain or thunderstorms. when anyone touches grizzly’s food or bowl when he is eating he does not react. Grizzly is also not bothered by anyone taking away her treats or toys. Grizzly is Friendly when his fur is being brushed and tends to move his paws when his nails are being trimmed. When someone unfamiliar approaches the house or a family member he is not bothered. For a New Family to Know: Grizzly is a very playful and affectionate dog who is friendly to everyone. He enjoys being pet and loves to cuddle. He likes to play fetch withhimself by throwing his toy in the air and catching it as it falls to the ground. His favorite things to play with are frisbees and stuffed toys. Grizzly likes to follow his owner around the house and enjoys their company. Grizzly has been kept mostly indoors and sleeps around the house whereever he most feels comfortable. Grizzly eats dry food two times a day and his favorite treats are beggin strips. Grizzly is mostly house-trained and will have an accident a few times a month. Grizzly knows the commands sit, stop and stays close to the owner while off lesh. Intake Behavior: During intake Grizzly was social, active and seeking attention from the admissions counselors. He allowed us to scan (neg), collar him and with help from the owner got a couple of pictures. Upon approach he jumped up to greet us and attempted to lick our faces.
04/23/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Children open up tremendously in play therapy and I guess, it must be the same with dogs..Being in a playgroup, playing with a ball or a frisbee…That is what I experienced with Grizzly (who is not at all frightening like a Grizzly Bear).He was all stressed up when I took him out of his kennel, whining, soft barking, skittish, not at all comfortable in a new world he had no idea existed…He had a family, kids to play with, a home ..What is happening to him is not to his like.Still , Grizzly is friendly. He comes when called, seems happy to see another dog in an adjacent pen and welcomes a visitor to our area. he likes to be petted and takes treats gently from my hand. A ball game washed completely away his worries. The sight of a yellow tennis ball lit up Grizzly’s face, his eyes were joyous, his body was not trembling anymore but ready to bounce. I threw.He ran and jumped and caught the ball…each time. Grizzly is a pro. He loves that ball, teases me a little with it but releases it in my hand. Grizzly is happy and I am too. He is a winner. He will overcome this bump in his life, with your help of course but he will. Young Grizzly was left with us as a child in the house became allergic to his dander . He comes with excellent comments from his former owners and is ready to start his new life with you. Come and meet him soon at the Manhattan Care Center. Grizzly is waiting for you…with a big smile.
Grizzly pulls hard on the leash. He was excited but very interested in interacting with handler during assessment – jumped up. Grizzly was excited during some of the handling items, but had soft body language. He was distracted, focused on objects in the room rather than the handler during the tag test. Grizzly did not resist being handled while eating, and was easily pushed out of the food bowl. He was not interested in toys or rawhide. Grizzly rushed in quickly during the dog-dog test, but showed no aggression. Grizzly was surrender to us. According to his previous owner he is friendly, playful and hyper around strangers and children. He has seen other dogs but has not had any type of interactions with them. He not bothered by anyone taking away his food, treats or toys”.Grizzly is an active dog he need a significant amount of exercise and mental stimulation. The behavior department feels that he can go to an experience home. Look: 3. Dog jumps on the Assessor, consistently rubs his shoulder on the Assessor, and will not allow Assessor to conduct the assessment. Sensitivity: 2. Dog displays high energy and movement, but it is directed toward getting closer to the Assessor. His body is soft, likely panting, may jump up between attempts to lick Assessor. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, and approaches the Assessor at the end of the game (may need coaxing to approach.) He is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Squeeze2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Food: 1. Dog lifts head and ceases eating when you reach to pull the bowl away Toy: 1. No interest. Rawhide: 1. No interest. Dog – dog 2. Dog approaches the helper dog by rushing in with his tail at spine level, body not stiff, ears relaxed, and lip long Helper: A1033656
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
BARH scan negative young male intact poss old burn or healed wound on back NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating EXPERIENCE
s: quiet, did not greet at door when dvm walked by, not normal for this friendly dog o: when roused to door, nasal discharge present didn’t finish dinner a: kennel cough p: treat with injectable medicaiton, not eating well
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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