GENNADI – A1028639
Gone 4-27-2015 Manhattan
GONE – 04/27/15
Manhattan Center
My name is GENNADI. My Animal ID # is A1028639.
I am a male white and tan pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 4 YEARS old.
I came in the shelter as a STRAY on 02/23/2015 from NY 10456, owner surrender reason stated was STRAY.
04/26/2015 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 4 NC – SEVERE CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, Behavior Rating is EXPERIENCE, Weight 70.8 LBS.
4/26 No diarrhea noted today BARH in cage Wound on dorsum has granulation tissue on surface A Skin lesion Elevated alkphos P Monitor additional dx s/o no diarrhea today wound on back looking better polydipsic? seems to drink a lot with elevated LE, this raises possibility of hormonal disease further bloodwork would be needed a: skin lesion r/o cushing’s disease p: monitor skin restart abytril at next recheck fair prognosis more bloodwork suggested (acth stim) PM: episode of bloody diarrhea in cage ALERTED BY VOLUNTEER HAS BLOOD FROM ANUS ON BAYTRIL 204 MG PO SID, CEPH 500 MG PO BID FOR PYODERMA BARH MM PINK NORMAL HR RR ABD SOFT SCROTAL TESTES BCS 4/9 ( SLIGHT DORSAL MM WASTING) SQUARE SHAPED DORSAL CERVICAL WOUND- CRUSTED, CRACKED RECTAL FRANK BLOOD, QUICK RECTAL NO MASSES PALPATED A; 4 YR M PITX HEMATOCHEZIA R/O SIBO SECONDARY TO ORAL AB USAGE SKIN WOUND R/O BURN ELEVATED LIVER VALUES R/O DRUG REALTED VS OTHER HEPATOPATHY ( INFLAMMATORY, INFECTIOUS, NEOPLASIA) P; DISCONTINUE ALL ORAL ABS B12 INJ 0.5ML SC CBC/CHEM NORMAL NEUTS, HCT AND PLT, LOW LEUK EOS. ALT HIGH 152, ALKP 1844, GGT 16 IV CATHETER 20 GAUGE IV FLUIDS LRS 1 DROP EVE4Y 1-43 SECONDS SSD ON SKIN WOUND X 10 DAYS DRANK WATER READILY KEEP IN MEDICAL FOR OBSERVATION PARVO SNAP NEGATIVE REC RECHECK CHEM IN 1-2 WEEKS
DOG INFORMATION SHEET Where did this dog come from? Stray – My Building ORIGINAL SOURCE Found as a Stray Animal’s Name: Gennadi responds to Gravy WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THIS DOG IN? Is a Stray – Was in My Building Does he get along with strangers? Yes Describe his behavior: friendly PERSONALITY Is more quiet, shy; less active TRAINING Walks well on leash Is there anything that could be done to help you keep your dog?no What kind of home do you think would be best for this dog? where it will be loved
04/22/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: So quiet in his kennel, but welcoming of my leash, Gennadi is thrilled for the outing and a chance to go potty. We head first for the back yard where Gennadi finds his prize – a tennis ball!! Happy to chomp on it – but not pull it apart- Gennadi is a happy boy as he plays. His tail wags, his eyes sparkle as he bats the ball around and carries it around the pen. He drops the ball with the offer of a treat, gives me a nice ‘sit’, and then catches the treat on the fly. How rockstar is he?! After taking some pictures I leash him again, and we head outside, Gennadi carrying the ball with him. When we get to the street, Gennadi drops the ball in order to ‘go’, and picks it right up as we continue our walk. He is beyond adorable and I can’t help but laugh at his antics. His leash manners are excellent as he walks perfectly by my side, ball in his mouth! In group play he’s happy to be involved, not terribly interactive, but happy for the company of other dogs. Rocking his behavior assessment earning an ‘average’ rating meaning he’ll be a good fit in most homes, Gennadi is hoping to come home with you today. Bring a tennis ball, or we’ll supply one, and come meet our all-star today. He’s looking for a position on your home team and has earned it! Another volunteer writes: The world will never have enough dapper, distinguished older gentlemen in it, teaching the rest of us the meaning of elegance of spirit and kindness. Gennadi has been in the shelter since February, and he has borne it with such grace we are as stunned by that as by the fact that no one has swept in to swoop up this extraordinary pet–beautiful on a leash, a great playmate to people and dogs alike, social to all he meets, filled with joy, house trained, and gentle. You may come meet him because you feel sorry for him, and that’s as fine a motivation as any, because we know the minute you set eyes on him you will fall in love. Please, make room in your family for this wonderful dog!
Gennadi came to us as a stray on 2/23/15. Upon intake it was reported by the finder that Gennadi is friendly toward strangers. Gennadi allowed the assessor to conduct all tactile items of the assessment without any signs of aggression, but showed some uncomfortable body language during the sensitivity test. On the sensitivity item Gennadi became stiff and turned very quickly with his muzzle toward the assessor. He proved a bit difficult to push out of the food bowl, but had soft body language. He took the rawhide away with soft body language, but showed no interest in the toy on this portion of the assessment. The behavior department believes that Gennadi would do best in a home with no small children. Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 3. Dog repeatedly turns toward the Assessor’s hand with a very fast head movement. If able, he muzzle punches the hand. His body is a bit stiff and he has an open mouth. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, and approaches the Assessor at the end of the game (needs coaxing to approach.) He is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Squeeze 2:1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Food: 2. Dog follows the dish with his tail down, body soft. Dog lifts head after a bit of pressure from hand to cheek. Toy 1: No interest. Rawhide: 2. Dog takes toy away, keeps a firm hold. His body is between you and the toy or rawhide, and he is loose and wiggly. No growling or stiffness. Dog-Dog: When off leash with other dogs, Gennadi is interested in play and interacts well. He will corrects when appropriate.
When off leash with other dogs, Gennadi is interested in play and interacts well. He will correct when appropriate. 4/17 update: Gennadi continues to exhibit the same behaviors when off leash with other dogs.
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
Negative MC Intact male QARH Mild perianal hernia Mild to moderate tartar Negative fleas/earmites (activyl) Some slight hairloss around eyes NOSF
4/26 No diarrhea noted today BARH in cage Wound on dorsum has granulation tissue on surface A Skin lesion Elevated alkphos P Monitor additional dx s/o no diarrhea today wound on back looking better polydipsic? seems to drink a lot with elevated LE, this raises possibility of hormonal disease further bloodwork would be needed a: skin lesion r/o cushing’s disease p: monitor skin restart abytril at next recheck fair prognosis more bloodwork suggested (acth stim) PM: episode of bloody diarrhea in cage ALERTED BY VOLUNTEER HAS BLOOD FROM ANUS ON BAYTRIL 204 MG PO SID, CEPH 500 MG PO BID FOR PYODERMA BARH MM PINK NORMAL HR RR ABD SOFT SCROTAL TESTES BCS 4/9 ( SLIGHT DORSAL MM WASTING) SQUARE SHAPED DORSAL CERVICAL WOUND- CRUSTED, CRACKED RECTAL FRANK BLOOD, QUICK RECTAL NO MASSES PALPATED A; 4 YR M PITX HEMATOCHEZIA R/O SIBO SECONDARY TO ORAL AB USAGE SKIN WOUND R/O BURN ELEVATED LIVER VALUES R/O DRUG REALTED VS OTHER HEPATOPATHY ( INFLAMMATORY, INFECTIOUS, NEOPLASIA) P; DISCONTINUE ALL ORAL ABS B12 INJ 0.5ML SC CBC/CHEM NORMAL NEUTS, HCT AND PLT, LOW LEUK EOS. ALT HIGH 152, ALKP 1844, GGT 16 IV CATHETER 20 GAUGE IV FLUIDS LRS 1 DROP EVE4Y 1-43 SECONDS SSD ON SKIN WOUND X 10 DAYS DRANK WATER READILY KEEP IN MEDICAL FOR OBSERVATION PARVO SNAP NEGATIVE REC RECHECK CHEM IN 1-2 WEEKS
A Volunteer Wrote: The world will never have enough dapper, distinguished older gentlemen in it, teaching the rest of us the meaning of elegance of spirit and kindness. Gennadi has been in the shelter since February, and he has borne it with such grace we are as stunned by that as by the fact that no one has swept in to swoop up this extraordinary pet–beautiful on a leash, a great playmate to people and dogs alike, social to all he meets, filled with joy, house trained, and gentle. You may come meet him because you feel sorry for him, and that’s as fine a motivation as any, because we know the minute you set eyes on him you will fall in love. Please, make room in your family for this wonderful dog!
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For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process. *We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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You can call (212) 788-4000 for automated instructions.
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