CARMA – A1056844
Safe 11-14-2015 Manhattan
SAFE 11/14/15
CARMA – A1056844
Intake condition EXAM REQ Intake Date 11/03/2015, From NY 11432, DueOut Date 11/03/2015
Medical Behavior Evaluation GREEN
Medical Summary Microchip: 911002001319536 Sex: intact female Age: reported 10m Mentation: BARH Eyes: clear Ears: clean Nose: no d/c Teeth: good If abnormal BCS: Skin: WNL Hair Coat: WNL Declawed: N/A Any injuries: no Behavior: friendly, hyper Medication: N/A, preventatives given
Weight 37.6
A volunteer writes: I love the old songs, and all I kept singing when I was with Carma was the oldie by Curtis Lee, “Pretty Little Angel Eyes”. Carma is stunning, and her soft amber eyes are gentle, loving and so very pretty – as is the rest of her! Petite and gorgeously groomed, she was surrendered by her family as they are moving where she’s not welcome. She’s been with kids ages 5 and 8 and is relaxed and playful with them, as she is with both other dogs and with cats.
She’s crate trained, knows ‘sit’ , ‘lay’ and ‘give paw;, slept in bed with her person, and is well behaved when left home alone. Carma showed me her ‘sit’ and when she sees a treat in my hand she sits without being asked. Smart girl! She’s puppy bouncy, has nice leash manners, is playful and loved playing with a plush toy, bringing it onto my lap for a little game of tug. In group she engages in bouncy, running play and can be puppy mouthy and pushy. After we played for a
while Carma stretched out in front of me, toy in her mouth for a belly rub and a rest. She’s an absolute delight, looking for a new family to love and play with. She’s all about being an exuberant playful puppy on the cusp of being a rockstar adult. Small enough to fit into any living situation she’s looking for an active home who will provide her with what she needs in exchange for her unconditional love. Sounds like a win-win to me!!
Basic information:
Carma is a 10 month old pit bull who was surrendered because her previous owner moved into an apartment that does not allow pets. Her previous owner had her for 7 months and got her as a gift. Carma has no known injuries or health problem; the last time she went to the vet was in August of 2015. The two things her previous owner liked most about her were; she’s loving and playful.
Social Life and Personality:
Around children ages 5 and 8, Carma is relaxed and playful and when she plays she is exuberant. Around other dogs she is playful and also exuberant when she plays. Around cats Carma is relaxed and playful. She is house-trained but has accidents a few times a week if not taken
out regularly. Carma was kept indoors only and has a very high activity level. She can be described as pushy, playful, confident, excitable, affectionate and friendly.
Carma has never bitten a person or animal. If her food bowl is touched while she’s eating Carma keeps eating, has a wagging tail, and tries to get the food bowl by moving it with her nose if it’s taken away. She is friendly if her treat or toy is taken away while eating or playing. She is also friendly if she is pushed off furniture, given a bath, has her nails trimmed. Her previous owner never attempted to brush her coat. She is friendly if she is being held or restrained or if an unfamiliar person approached her previous owner. If an unfamiliar person approached the home she would bark. She isn’t bothered if she is disturbed while sleeping.
For a New Family to Know:
Carma knows how to sit, give paw and lay on command. For exercise she went on slow walks twice a day. She likes to play with balls and sticks. Her favorite games were fetch and tug. She was crate trained and does well for 6 hours during the day. When her previous owner was home Carma would tend to follow her around. When left alone she is well-behaved. When off leash Carma wanders but comes when called. She barks when she hears thunder. She ate dry blue buffalo and at night she slept in her owner’s bed.
Behavior during intake:
Carma allowed me to pet her, collar her and she sat for pictures. She sat and jumped on command and took treats gently from my hand.
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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