BLU IVY – A1032655
Safe 4-23-2015 Manhattan Rescue: Pulled by Feline Rescue of Staten Island. Please honor your pledges: Please honor your pledges:
SAFE – 04/23/15
My name is BLU IVY. My Animal ID # is A1032655.
I am a spayed female gray and white am pit bull ter mix. The shelter thinks I am about 8 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 04/09/2015 from NY 10472, owner surrender reason stated was ALLERGIES.
04/18/2015 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is AVERAGE, Weight 44.6 LBS.
4/18 not eating mpnd and coughing +++ will add injectable baytril showing signs of kennel cough coughing present nasal discharge present as per 0915 start on doxycycline 100mg PO SID for 10 days
04/09/15 22:22 NAME Blu Ivy REASON FOR SURRENDER Due to allergies, owner could no longer keep Blu. RELATIONSHIP Blu’s previous owner received her from a friend about 5 months ago. She is currently about 8 months old. She scanned positive for a microchip. PEOPLE She lives in a home with 2 adults and 4 children ages 2 to 12 years. She is usually very playful around them, and when she plays with them, she can be exuberant. She is friendly toward strangers who approach her house or her family. She has never bitten anyone. OTHER ANIMALS She lives with an 8 year old female cat, and she is usually very respectful towards her and tries to play with her. She is very playful around other dogs and she usually plays exuberantly. She has never bitten another animal. PERSONALITY She is a very highly active mostly indoor dog who has been described as playful, affectionate, confident, excitable, anxious, independent, and friendly. Owner also stated that she is very quiet during the night. She loves playing with balls, frisbees, stuffed toys, and squeaky toys especially, and her favorite games are fetch, tug, wrestle, and chase. She isn’t bothered if you touch her food bowl while she is eating, if you take away a treat, or if you disturb her while she is sleeping. She is friendly if you take away a toy or when you brush her. She usually whines if you have to hold or restrain her. She is afraid during baths and nail trimmings. She is nervous during fireworks. She likes to follow her owner around when home. She eats Purina Dog Chow wet and dry food. Her favorite treats are Beggin Strips and raw hides. She prefers to go potty on the grass, dirt, or cement. She sleeps on her bed. TRAINING She is partially house trained and does have accidents weekly which consist of urinating and defecating indoors. She knows sit, stay, and get out accompanied with a snap or whistle. She chews on household items such as underwear, bags, and trash and may scratch at the wall when left home alone. When off leash, she keeps her distance and is hard to catch. BEHAVIOR DURING THE INTAKE She was very friendly during the intake. She had a soft wiggly body and tail, soft eyes, and an open mouth and she was eager to play and be petted. She allowed handling and showed no signs of aggression. She happily greeted everyone who passed by.
04/13/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Blu Ivy is an adorable blue nose puppy, only eight months of age, left with us as a family member became allergic to her dander. It could also be that the owners had no time to bring up a puppy, even if that youngster is as lovely and well mannered as Blu Ivy. Blu Ivy has been well cared for, is healthy, has a great weight and wears a flawless mouse grey dress. She lived and play happily with 4 children and respected the female cat of the house. The latter is ALWAYS a plus and a bonus. She would be welcoming of strangers, playful with other dogs, well behaved and partially house trained. As we can see here at the care center, Blu Ivy loves toys and balls and is a very lively girl who gets all excited to meet people and other pooches. She knows her name, comes when called and can sit on command and for treats. She walks nicely on the leash and loves to run and play tag. Across the board, Blu Ivy is a happy girl who clearly was loved by her former family, a good start to commence a new chapter in her life with a new master or family. Blu Ivy is at the Manhattan Care Center dreaming to be yours.
Blu Ivy pulled on the leash; she was sociable toward the handler during the assessment – soft body, low wag. She was excited during some of the handling items, but had soft body language. She became excited when playing tag and began to play tug-o-war with the leash and was not easily calmed, her body remained loose and wiggly. She did not resist being handled while eating, and was easily pushed out of the food bowl. She kept a firm grip on the toy but had soft body language and had minimal interest in the rawhide, licking and mouthing it, but allowed it to be easily relinquished to the Assessor. Blu Ivy was relinquished to the care center due to previous owner’s allergies. Previously, she lived with four children ages 2-12 years old, which she was very playful with but she can be exuberant at times. Blu Ivy also lived with a cat and she was usually very respectful towards the cat and tried to play with it. Her previous owner described her as very highly active, playful, affectionate, confident, excitable, anxious, independent, and friendly. During the assessment Blu Ivy did show a high energy level but did not show any signs aggression. The Behavior Department believes that Blu Ivy can go to an average home that can provide her with adequate physical and mental stimulation, and that understands she would benefit from obedience classes to work on correcting her leash manners and learning the “drop” command. The behavior team also recommends and in depth interaction with any kids in the home prior to adoption. Look: 1. Dog holds gaze with soft eyes, soft body. She allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Dog holds gaze for three full seconds. Sensitivity: 2. Dog is active and focused on the Assessor and all other stimuli available. Her body is soft, likely panting, likely to display high movement between attempts. Tag: 2. Follows at end of leash, body soft, but she became focused on playing tug-o-war with the leash and was not easily settle once game ceased. Squeeze 1 & 2: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Food 1. Dog lifts head and ceases eating when you reach to pull the bowl away or push her out. Toy 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. She does not place her body between you and the toy. Rawhide: 1. Minimal interest. Dog smells, licks and mouths, then walks away. Dog-Dog: Off leash with a male dog, Blu Ivy solicits energetic play.
When off leash with other dogs Blu Ivy is energetic and playful; can become vocal when the other dog loses interest in attempts to solict play.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was NONE
MC 985112005867496 Spayed female BARH Good teeth Negative fleas/earmites (activyl) NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating AVERAGE
4/18 not eating mpnd and coughing +++ will add injectable baytril showing signs of kennel cough coughing present nasal discharge present as per 0915 start on doxycycline 100mg PO SID for 10 days
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
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*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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