BILLY – A1037088
Safe 5-27-2015 Brooklyn Rescue: The Animal Haven Inc. Please honor your pledges:
BILLY – A1037088 ***SAFER : NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY*** MALE, CREAM / WHITE, SHIH TZU MIX, 4 yrs OWNER SUR – EVALUATE, NO HOLD Reason PERS PROB Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 05/21/2015, From NY 11206, DueOut Date 05/21/2015, Medical Behavior Evaluation YELLOW Medical Summary scan negative intact male slight dental tartar to teeth slightly […]
BILLY – A1037088
Intake condition UNSPECIFIE Intake Date 05/21/2015, From NY 11206, DueOut Date 05/21/2015,
Medical Behavior Evaluation YELLOW
Medical Summary scan negative intact male slight dental tartar to teeth slightly cloudy lens has slight long nails – unable to cut nails due to behavior overweight weight: 26.6lbs clean ears clean coat flea negative he is very and tense and nervous during exam and did attempt to bite twice BARH NOSF
Weight 26.6
Basic Information:
Billy is a 4 year old unneutered male dog. Owner had Billy for 4 years from a pet store. Owner stated Billy has no health issues. Owner had to surrender due to sick family member in the home.
Social Life and Personality: Billy lived with 4 adults and children ages 3, 7, and 8 years old. Billy is playful and exuberant towards children and loves to be around them. Billy is relaxed, respectful and tolerant towards everyone in the household. Owner stated Billy barks when he sees other dogs and tries to keep him away from them. Billy doesn’t try to attack them but he doesn’t know why he barks at them either. Billy lived in a house with cats and he is tolerant and respectful towards cats. Owner stated Billy adapts to any environment is. His activity level depends on who he is with. If it’s quiet he is mellow and if it’s children around he is active. Owner stated Billy is shy in environment and friendly.
Behavior Issues: Owner stated Billy never bite or scratched anyone to his knowledge. He barks too much when he sees other dogs. Owner never touched his bowl while eating. If owner tries to take toy or treat out of his mouth he will growl. Billy doesn’t like taking baths he will jump out the tub so he goes to the groomer to get bathed, nail trimmed and brushed. Billy will bark if unfamiliar people approach the house or family member. Billy will destroy indoor house items such as toys.
For a New Family to Know: Billy is indoors only and uses the bathroom on piddle or litter box because owner believes he copy off the cats he used to live with. Billy knows commands such as sit, stop, food ,go away and when he’s name being called. He doesn’t goes out for exercise. Billy likes to play with toy squeaky toys. Billy has never been crate-trained. When home with owner Billy likes to stay in his favorite spot which is the living room or follow people around especially when company comes over. When home alone Billy is he is well behaved. Billy isn’t afraid of noise. Owner stated Billy eats everything but most dog food.
Intake Behavior: Upon intake Billy was snorting, tense, nervous and hiding under chairs. When approached slowly he scanned negative for a microchip and allowed all handling.
Helper Dog:A1036970
Billy previously lived with adults and 3 children under the age of 10, and was reported to be playful and exuberant towards children. The owner stated Billy has not lived or interacted with other dogs, but when he sees them on walk he was reported to bark at them. Billy did with cats and he and the owner stated he was tolerant and respectful towards them. Billy was not reported to guard his food but the owner mentioned he will growl when a toy or treat is taken from him. It was also mentioned that Billy doesn’t like taking baths and he only and uses the bathroom on piddle pads or litter box.
At intake Billy was reported to be fearful, but was tolerant of handling from a counselor. During his medical exam he was to be intolerant to handling and snapped at the technician. Upon entry to the assessment room, Billy exhibited fearful body language, and was hesitant to approach the assessor, but after soft coaxing he approached and allowed some SAFER handling items to be conducted. During the paw handling Billy became stiff and lip curled. Due to this behavior and to avoid further escalation no other handling items were attempted. During the resources portion of the assessment, Billy was not interested in any of the items, and was more interested in exiting the room. During the dog-dog interaction, Billy did not approach the helper dog, and turned his body to the side in relation to the helper dog. The department recommends placements with a New Hope partner so the behavior concerns seen while in the care center can be more fully explored before adoption into a permanent home.
Look: 2. Dog’s eyes are averted. His body posture is stiff and fearful; his tail is low and not moving. He allows head to be held loosely in Assessor’s cupped hands. Sensitivity: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, his tail is between his legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears back. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body low and a bit fearful. Squeeze 1: 5. Dog freezes and lip curls. Food: No interest. Toy 1: No interest. Rawhide: 1. No interest. Dog-dog: 2. Dog does not approach the helper dog. Turns body to side in relation to other dog.
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If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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