ANNIE – A1046105
Safe 8-11-2015 Manhattan Rescue: Amsterdog Animal Rescue Please honor your pledges:
SAFE 08/11/15
Manhattan Center
My name is ANNIE. My Animal ID # is A1046105.
I am a spayed female brown and white germ shepherd and pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 1 YEAR 1 MONTH old.
**$150 donation to the NEW HOPE RESCUE that pulls tonight**
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 07/31/2015 from NY 10038, owner surrender reason stated was NO TIME.
08/10/2015 Exam Type CAGE EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is AVERAGE, Weight 75.0 LBS.
08/10/15 14:54 MND, dull A CIRDC P Start doxy 08/06/15 18:40 S/O: diarrhea reported A: parasites vs. gastroenteritis vs. colitis vs. viral (parvo) vs. other P: metronidazole 500 mg PO BID x 5 days panacur x 3 days
07/31/15 20:35 Basic information: Annie is a 1 year old German Shepard/ Pitt mix. Her previous owner had her from 1 year and got her as a gift from a friend. A few things she liked most about Annie is that she is a sweet heart and is always nice, friendly and listens. Around children Annie is relaxed and playful, and plays gently but can be exuberant. Around other dogs she is relaxed and playful and plays exuberant. Annie is very house trained and rarely/never has accidents. She was kept indoors only and has a high activity level. She can be described as playful, pushy, confident, excitable, affectionate, and friendly. Behavior Issues: If Annie’s food bowl, treat or toy is touched while she’s eating or playing she is friendly. She isn’t bothered if she is pulled/pushed off the furniture. She loves bath time; she is used to getting a bath every Saturday. Her previous owner stated she jumps in the tub willingly. She isn’t bothered when she gets her nails trimmed. She enjoys having her coat brushed or being hugged/ held or restraint. If someone she is unfamiliar with approaches the house she barks three times to alert her owner, when an unfamiliar person approached the previous owner or their family member Annie was friendly. She also isn’t bothered if she is woken up while sleeping. For a New Family to Know: Annie knows how to sit, come, stay, shake/ give paw and she down. She is also bilingual so she understands these commands in Spanish. For exercise Annie went for slow walks on leash and to off-leash dog parks once or twice a week. She loves to play with balls and squeaky toys and also Kong’s. She loves to play fetch, chase, wrestling and tug. She has never been crate trained. She usually uses the bathroom on the grass, cement and newspaper. When her previous owner was home Annie would tend to follow her around and liked to be in the same room. When left alone in the house she is well behaved. When she is off leash she wanders but comes when called. During fireworks/storms Annie isn’t bothered. She was used to eating wet and dry Pedigree and at night she slept in her owner’s bed. Behavior during Intake: Annie was very wiggly, she gave lots of kisses, jumped up and liked to be rubbed on her belly. She knew how to sit, go down, up, come and greeted everyone she saw by sniffing them, jumping up and then licking their face. Annie showed no signs of aggression during intake.
08/04/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: “The sun’ll come out tomorrow, clear the cobwebs and the sorrow. Something was missing. The world was my oyster. But there was the pearl. That something was you…Annie.” I immediately thought of the award winning musical when I saw Annie in her kennel. Although, beautifully cared for by her former master, Annie is nevertheless an orphan who needs a new home and a new family to bless with her wonderful presence. Annie is a gorgeous gal. She owns bright and intelligent eyes(her mother was a Shepie) and a welcoming smile that perfects her natural beauty. She is poised in her kennel. Her eyes do all the talking. She is regal, elegant, reserved. She is a must for me to take out and spend time with. Annie walks well on the leash and seems house trained as stressed by her former owner. She takes her cues from me as we stroll down the street. She is so well behaved. A caress on her head is in order. Free in a pen, she sits or lays lavishly by my side, offers her belly for rubs or comes on the bench and onto my lap with her four….to kiss me like I was her best friend…I was warned….Annie is a sweet heart and a very friendly, sociable and affectionate girl…Annie is with us as her former master had no time for a pet anymore….She comes with outstanding recommendations…A sweet and obedient dog, playful with children and other pooches(she frequented often a dog park), lively, house trained, loving baths, free of handling issues and well behaved when alone in the house…Indeed, Annie IS a pearl….Come Today, do not wait for Tomorrow….Make Annie ..Yours. She will ” turn on the sun” for you. It will be “Christmas(or Hannukkah) everyday”. Annie is waiting for you at the Manhattan Care Center.
Annie came to our center as an owner surrender.Owner reports around children Annie is relaxed and playful, and plays gently but can be exuberant. Around other dogs she is relaxed and playful and plays exuberant. Owner also reports Annie is very house trained and rarely/never has accidents. Owner reports Annie is bilingual and understands commands sit, stay, come, shake/give paw, and down in English and Spanish. Annie was very wiggly during intake, she gave lots of kisses, jumped up and liked to be rubbed on her belly. She knew how to sit, go down, up, and come and greeted everyone she saw by sniffing them, jumping up and then licking their face. Annie showed no signs of aggression during intake. Annie pulled a bit on leash towards things she was interested in. She jumped up and licked assessor’s face during Look item. Annie stood still and accepted touch during Sensitivity item, tail neutral. She followed at the end of the leash for Tag game, body soft, settling easily at end of game. Annie lifted her head and ceased eating from Food bowl when approached by assess-a-hand. She played enthusiastically with Toy briefly, but then lost interest. She had minimal interest in Rawhide. Off Leash with other dogs, Annie greets politely and will engage in running play when solicited. The Behavior Team feels Annie would do well in an Average home. She may benefit from daily mental and physical stimulation in the forms of daily walks, runs, exercise, play as well as durable Toys such as Kongs and Nylabones to positively direct her high energy. She may also benefit from obedience classes to work on leash manners, focus, and body awareness. Annie was very social and affectionate during SAFER assessment but is unaware of her own strength and size. Look: 1. Jumps up to lick the Assessor’s face with tail wagging, ears back and eyes averted. Sensitivity: 1. Stands still and accepts the touch, her eyes are averted, and her tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 1. Follows at end of leash, body soft Squeeze 1 /2 : 1. Does not pull back paw, licks hand. Food 1. Calmly allows the food to be moved, follows the dish, but does not interfere with the dish’s movement. Dog’s body is soft and loose, eyes soft, tail neutral. She lifts her head when hand is pushed Rawhide: Minimal interest Dog-dog: Annie greets politely and will engage in running play when solicited.
When off leash with other dogs, Annie greets politely and will engage in running play when solicited. 8/4 update: Annie greets politely and shows interest, but does not engage in play. 8/5 update: Annie is tolerant of solicitation but is more interested in attention from handlers.
Medical rating was 1 – NORMAL , behavior rating was AVERAGE
Scan postive 985 112 005 677 145 barh Slight dental staining and tartar Ear clean Spayed female Green tattoo seen near spay scar Flea comb negative Body: obese Gave 8 cc of pyrantel Applied activly topically Was very easy to handle durining exam NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating AVERAGE
08/10/15 14:54 MND, dull A CIRDC P Start doxy 08/06/15 18:40 S/O: diarrhea reported A: parasites vs. gastroenteritis vs. colitis vs. viral (parvo) vs. other P: metronidazole 500 mg PO BID x 5 days panacur x 3 days
For more information on adopting from the NYC AC&C, or to find a rescue to assist, please read the following:
If you are local to the Tri-State, New England, and the general Northeast United States area, and you are SERIOUS about adopting or fostering one of the animals at NYC ACC, please read our MUST READ section for instructions, or email [email protected]
Our experienced volunteers will do their best to guide you through the process.
*We highly discourage everyone from trusting strangers that send them Facebook messages, offering help, for it has ended in truly tragic events.*
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