CHASE – A1040366
Safe 7-1-2015 Manhattan Rescue: Four Paws Sake Rescue, NYC Please honor your pledges:
SAFE 07/01/15
Manhattan Center
My name is CHASE. My Animal ID # is A1040366.
I am a neutered male gray and white pit bull mix. The shelter thinks I am about 11 MONTHS old.
I came in the shelter as a OWNER SUR on 06/16/2015 from NY 11230, owner surrender reason stated was PERS PROB.
06/28/2015 Exam Type RE-EXAM – Medical Rating is 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , Behavior Rating is AVERAGE, Weight 70.2 LBS.
mild signs of kennel cough signs of terminal retching in kennel bar, but should be treated with abx begin doxycycline, move to iso
06/16/15 21:27 Basic Information: Chase is an 11 month old neutered male dog. Owner stated he was abandon and given to her as a gift two months ago. Owner stated Chase has a neurological condition call fly biting that causes seizures. Owner had to surrender Chase due to her health issues. Social Life and Personality: Chase lived with one female adult and a child of the age of 10. Owner stated Chase is relaxed, playful and respectful towards everyone in the household. Owner stated chase is respectful towards other dogs but if another dog is aggressive towards him he will bark at them. Owner stated Chase will bark and lunge at cats he sees outside. He is mostly indoors and activity level is to a medium. Owner stated he is playful, excitable, affectionate, mellow and friendly. Behavior Issues: Chase never bitten or scratched anyone to owners knowledge. Chase barks too much if he has to use the bathroom or wants attention. Chase use to chew items if left alone for a long time. He is friendly when owner touches his food bowl. Owner never tried to take toy r treat away from his mouth. Chase is tolerant of taking a bath and lets owner trim his nails. He barks if unfamiliar people approach the house or family member. For a New Family to Know: Chase knows commands such as sit and lay down. Owner states he needs more training. He is house trained and goes for walks 2-3 a day. Owner doesn’t give Chase soft toys because he chews them but only rubber toys. He likes to follow owner around the house or stay in favorite spot. Owner stated he is a picky eater and doesn’t like anything chicken. He eats wet and dry food called Natural Balance and petco Cookies. Intake Behavior: Upon intake Chase was fly biting, wanted to be petted under the chin and wanted belly rubs. He scanned negative for a microchip and allowed all handling.
06/23/2015 WEB MEMO
A volunteer writes: Young Chase is with us as his owner could not take care of a pet anymore. Chase is also not …any dog. Indeed, beside to need some basic training every puppy requires, he is affected by a condition called fly biting…, the result of epilepsy or OCD. Hum..Quite different entities. Chase barks in his kennel when he sees a potential caretaker. The sight of the leash gets him in the sitting position and speechless… He is ready…He pulls toward the yard and catches invisible flies on the way. He does his business without marking as we leave the building. He does not care for a scarf and indicates that he wants to play ball, carrying one in his mouth and bringing it to me..How is that. A smart boy!!! He really plays beautifully and excitedly, leaps, jumps in the air..He is so happy to be in company.. There are lots of flies in the yard, real ones and Chase goes after them too. He also sometimes suddenly pecks at his body, may be reacting to an invisible insect. It is quite a sight. Chase is otherwise a very loving pup who sits on command, comes when called and enjoys hugs and caresses. He likes to chase birds and play tag. He welcomes people and dogs alike when they come to our gate. Chase has been beautifully cared for and is one good looking youngster .He lived with a child and is know to be friendly and respectful to all. He would not be a cat lover… Chase who is at the Manhattan Care Center aced his behavioral evaluation and is just waiting to go home with …you
Chase walks calmly on leash. He was sociable toward the handler during the assessment – soft body. He was calm and relaxed during handling. Chase was distracted, focused on objects in the room rather than the handler during the tag test. He was not interested in food or rawhide but took the toy away with a soft body language. Chase approaches the helper dog with his tail at spine level, body not stiff, ears relaxed and lip long. Chase was surrender to us. According to his previous owner Chase lived with one adult and a child of the age of 10. Owner stated Chase is relaxed, playful and respectful towards everyone in the household. Owner stated chase is respectful towards other dogs but if another dog is aggressive towards him he will bark at them. He is friendly when owner touches his food bowl”. Chase did not show any concern during the behavior assessment. The behavior department feels that he can go to an Average home. Look: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor’s hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity: 1. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, his eyes are averted, and his tail is in neutral position with relaxed body posture. Dog’s mouth is likely closed for at least a portion of the assessment item. Tag: 2. Dog is not fearful, but is unresponsive to the Assessor, and approaches the Assessor at the end of the game (may need coaxing to approach.) He is focused on stimuli other than the Assessor. Squeeze 1: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Squeeze 2: 1. Dog gently pulls back his paw. Food: 1. No interest. Toy: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. He does not place his body between you and the toy. Rawhide 1. No interest. Dog-dog: 2. Dog approaches helper dog with tail at spine level, body not stiff, ears relaxed, lip long or neutral. Helper:A1040470
No Group Behavior Summary
Medical rating was 2 NC – MINOR CONDITIONS NOT CONTAGIOUS, behavior rating was NONE
scan pos#985112003272150 BARH very nervous, hyper mild tartar cropped ears neutered reported seizure nothing seen Owner stated Chase has a neurological condition call fly biting that causes sezuires. Chase has been to Verg vte an they prescripted medication called Phenobarbital 1g, Kepra 500mg. Chase begin to have these sezuirezd on 6/1/2015 gave 1 tab of phenobarbital and 1 tab of Kepra @ 1am medication left on safe NOSF
Medical rating 3 C – MAJOR CONDITIONS , behavior rating AVERAGE
mild signs of kennel cough signs of terminal retching in kennel bar, but should be treated with abx begin doxycycline, move to iso
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